Terms of User

By using ROXXOLUTION Systems app, in particular the services and tools provided, you agree to the following terms of use. We expect careful and responsible behavior not only from ourselves, but also from our users.

Information obligation
All websites created by the user must contain a reference to a valid imprint so that third parties can immediately obtain information about the respective advertiser. Information on mandatory data must be obtained from the user, as different regulations apply in different countries.

Illegal contents
Although we do not wish to restrict our users in terms of their creativity, we do not allow pornographic, violent or other illegal content. Such content may therefore not be sold, promoted or otherwise published via, with or through our services. Likewise, file-sharing offers, in particular copyright-protected works, may not be published via, with or through our services. As we cannot rule out copyright infringements despite careful examination, the user is liable in all cases for claims from the original author or the legal representative.

Consequences of violating our terms of use

  • We will immediately block the user's account
  • Contributions already paid will not be refunded
  • In the event of serious violations, we will assert claims for damages in court

The user is personally liable for the content created by him/her on websites and other content published through our services. In addition, the user confirms to us that he has acquired or owns the rights of use for integrated content. We cannot be held liable in any way for copyright or trademark infringements as long as we are not at fault. Users create content on their own initiative, which cannot be subjected to any editorial or legal review by us.

The user has the opportunity to cancel his membership of ROXXOLUTION Systemsat any time. As a result, the user loses access to the internal member area and all created content. The termination cannot be reversed. If the user wishes to use the services again, a new paid account must be set up.

Availability and warranty
Access impairments within the usual scope do not constitute a breach of ROXXOLUTION Systems's obligation to perform. ROXXOLUTION Systems will immediately eliminate disruptions to its technical facilities within the scope of existing technical and operational possibilities. Necessary interruptions to operations for preventative or necessary maintenance work will be announced as soon as they are known and as early as possible. Funnel Cockpit is not responsible for downtimes in which the online software cannot be accessed or is displayed incorrectly due to technical or other problems beyond the control of the provider (e.g. force majeure or fault of third parties).